The best tool for managing your construction company

The best tool for managing your construction company

Automate, centralize and digitalize

We help you save money and increase your profit margin by up to 45% using our cutting edge entrerprise resource planning tool.

Automate, centralize and digitalize

We help you save money and increase your profit margin by up to 45% using our cutting edge entrerprise resource planning tool.

Our revolutionary product

+12 modules all-in-one


Invoice your customers always on time and track your invoicing processes to avoid credit losses or delays in the projects.

Customer Credit Checks

Create, send and analyse tenders and orders. Ensure the business operational excellency 365 days in a year.


Pay your employees fully digitally through API banking connections. Send the payrolls automatically to your employees.

Project management

Access, manage and analyze your projects from one place. Allocate resources and maximize profitability by using real-time data.

Don't just take our word for it

What do our clients say?

"I chose Biner because of their excellent team and first-hand experience of construction companies in Europe. I wanted to build a similar digitalized and smooth environment for my business."
Tariq Aboalsoud I Shada Construction Ltd.

what makes us different?

Excellency and quality

Automated processes

You can forget using all those different tools for your business operations. We have built one efficient tool for all your business purposes.

Easy to use

We provide a fully digital solution that enables you to access your business from anywhere, at anytime.

Data driven

Centralizing your business processes to one platform will enable you to gain insight and data to increase your profits in an efficient, cost effective manner.


You can forget using all those different tools for your business operations. We have built one efficient tool for all your business purposes.

You ask, we answer

Commonly asked questions

Your entire company will use the platform for different purposes.

Yes. Our customers are European construction companies with fewer than 100 employees. We began building the product already in 2001, together with construction companies, to provide the best experience for the field.

You can test the platform for 48 hrs by booking a demo.

We work with construction companies exclusively, and have helped over 20 companies to date in achieving resource efficiency and growing their profits.

Book a demo

Meet our team by booking a demo. We will help you to understand how our product will help you.